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Room 105


Eschlikon (CH)

April 06 – May 25, 2019


Participating artists: Gallery artists

Curated by Jordanis Theodoridis and Werner Widmer 
Photography: widmertheodoridis, Eschlikon

A reference, an homage to the art and artists of widmertheodoridis, Room 105 re-envisions the gallery as a topos in which artists are temporary guests and then vacate the space for the next ones. What distinguishes and shapes this space, the gallery and its program can now be defined by over one hundred works of art in one show. It is and is not a retrospective. Exhibitions that were formerly separated by the linearity of time are brought together creating the bigger picture. Panta rhei!

Temporary, momentary, fleeting–the possibilities to experience an exhibition are finite. If you don’t take the opportunity to visit, you miss seeing the show. The end is often nearer than one thinks. A retrospective can thus bring some parts of these exhibits from the past into the present, but never the exhibition as a whole.

You cannot step twice into the same stream, said Heraclitus who was a vigilant observer of natural phenomena. He had the opportunity to examine extensively the clouds, the sky, the sea and the river Cayster in Ephesos. His position of simultaneous Becoming and Fading and the Unity of Opposites in the world is in particular based on these observations. Inherent to his beliefs is that it is essential to be alert in order to understand the mysteriousness of the universe and the double meaning of this only one world. 

Heraclitus’ Doctrine of Flux reveals that everything is constantly changing: Being is the becoming of the whole, an eternal conversion. And the constant flux is the unity in the variety and the variety in the unity. The quote “Panta rhei” (Everything flows) is often used incompletely. It makes only really sense with the amendment: “…kai ouden menei (and nothing remains still). 

And nothing remains the same. An eternal conversion and circle. Every artist, every exhibition leaves its mark on the observer, on the artist itself and on the exhibition makers. No one stays the same afterwards. We look with new eyes, understand with new mind. With Room 105 we will undertake a journey through time, back into the year of 2005, when the gallery was founded. We will jump again in that river and will float with a watchful eye. Where to? We will see. Because this exhibition will not be the last one, but the last one at this location. What flows, lasts.

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